1. 河西走廊之嘉峪关 (TV Series 2019- ) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
河西走廊之嘉峪关 (2019). User Score ... Season 1 of 河西走廊之嘉峪关 premiered on September 29, 2019. ... We don't have any reviews for 河西走廊之嘉峪关.
2. 河西走廊之嘉峪关- 电视剧- 豆瓣
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《河西走廊之嘉峪关》作为纪录片《河西走廊》续篇之一,是一部以嘉峪关为轴心,折射嘉峪关城从明清至近现代历史恢弘进程的纪录片。 本片分为三部,分别为历史篇、近代篇、当代篇,分别用不同的影像风格和叙述方式来...
3. Stats for 河西走廊之嘉峪关- Trakt
Stats for 河西走廊之嘉峪关. ... What did you think? Stats for... 河西走廊之嘉峪关2019. Trakt Ratings. IMDBTMDB. Trakt Ratings.
Stats for 河西走廊之嘉峪关
4. 《河西走廊之嘉峪关》:深描历史、缅怀过去,发掘面向未来的力量 - 豆瓣
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5. 河西走廊植被净初级生产力时空变化及其影响因子研究 - 生态学报
13 jan 2020 · (2)2002-2018年间河西走廊年NPP的平均值为153.32 gC m-2 a-1,总量为37.468 Tg C/a,呈东南向西北递减的分布特征,研究期间NPP呈2.37 gC m-2 a-1(P=0.09)增长 ...
The variation of vegetation Net Primary Productivity (NPP) has an important impact on the global carbon cycle in arid and semi-arid regions. The response of NPP to climate change in this region shows great spatial and temporal heterogeneity, while its driving mechanism is not clear. In this study, the Hexi Corridor in China was selected as study area, and the NPP from 2002 to 2018 was estimated using a random forest algorithm. The effects of climate and human activities on NPP were calculated based on the partial derivative method. The results showed that (1) random forest algorithms presented good performance in the NPP estimation in arid and semi-arid areas. (2) The average annual NPP of Hexi Corridor from 2002 to 2018 was 153.32 gC m-2 a-1, and the total amount was 37.468 Tg C/a, which indicated a decreasing distribution pattern from southeast to northwest. During the study period, the NPP showed an increasing trend of 2.37 gC m-2 a-1 (P=0.09). (3) 52.51% of the NPP variation in the Hexi Corridor was contributed by climate factors, and 47.49% was contributed by human activities. (4) For the impact of climate change on the NPP, precipitation dominated 72.21% of the area, and temperature contributed 73.71% of the amount of NPP variation. The former affected the NPP change pattern and the latter dominated the amount of NPP variation. Both warming and humidification are conducive to the increase of NPP in this area. With the w...
See AlsoStar Session Olivia
6. 河西走廊绿洲生态建设和农业发展的若干思考与建议
2019年,区域内人均水资源量约为1 270 m3,显著低于人均1 700 m3的国际警戒线和2 100 m3的全国平均水平。 图2 1999—2019年河西走廊三大内陆河流域水资源总量变化规律 ...
Oasisization is an external manifestation of the temporal and spatial evolution of oasis in arid areas, and the regional water carrying capacity is the key to restricting oasis agriculture and ecological protection in arid areas. The Hexi Corridor is not only an important passage from the east to the west in China, but also an important carrier of regional development; it is not only an important ecological barrier in Northwest China, but also a typical irrigated agricultural area. After more than 60 years of construction, the Hexi Corridor has made remarkable achievements in social progress, traffic conditions, ecological construction and agricultural development, but water resources have increasingly become a restricting factor of the sustainable development in the area. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the ecological construction and agricultural development of the oasis in the Hexi Corridor, this study proposes that the scale of the oasis should be determined by the amount of water, and 20%-30% of the water resources should be used as ecological water. Under the current water supply conditions, this study suggests allocating water and soil resources rationally, improving the quality of oasis, and controlling the scale of oasis; properly establishing a low-water-consumption desert riparian vegetation zone and a rain-fed sand control system around the desert margin; strengthening the authenticity of desert vegetation and integrity protection, minimizing the...
7. 河西走廊文殊山隆起西缘发现活动断层 - 地震科学进展
4 feb 2024 · ... 嘉峪关断裂带上[20-22],对于文殊山隆起活动断裂特征,只有零星报道。我们于2019年在河西走廊文殊山隆起带西侧发现一系列新的断层陡坎,这是前人 ...
文殊山隆起位于河西走廊西端,分割了酒西盆地和酒东盆地,是河西走廊内部三大隆起带之一。基于高分辨率卫星影像解译及野外考察,发现文殊山隆起西缘存在多条断层陡坎,长度约3 km,陡坎保存比较连续,并表现出正、反向陡坎交替出现的复杂组合特征。通过无人机摄影测量以及光释光方法测年,对断层陡坎开展了综合研究。断层陡坎发育于不同期次山前洪积扇之上,根据较早期洪积扇上累积陡坎高度4.9~5.6 m及相应年代(37.3 ± 1.7)ka,确定其晚更新世以来垂直滑动速率约为0.15 mm/a。断层最新一次活动发生在全新世,为全新世活动断层,形成的断层陡坎高度为0.5~0.7 m。根据资料分析,该断层陡坎的形成与文殊山背斜隆起、扩展的活动有关。
8. 典型西北钢铁城市冬季大气颗粒物重金属来源解析及健康风险评价
7 jan 2021 · 虽然嘉峪关地处河西走廊地区,拥有良好的风能资源及污染扩散条件,但是在冬季,工业生产排放、燃煤取暖、机动车尾气排放等人为活动依然会给嘉峪关 ...